Why Pinicon

On site testing decreases adulteration risks, regulatory fines and keeps your business free from unsafe, costly employees.

Don’t pay your employees to travel to a hospital, clinic or other testing site, spend valuable time sitting in a waiting room and now more than ever be exposed to illnesses and viruses.
Pinicon accommodates testing times that work with your schedule as well as emergency and short notice calls.
All Pinicon specialists are certified for drug collections and breath alcohol tests.
On-site DOT drug tests can be conducted at any location and are sent to a SAMHSA Certified Laboratory for analysis and verification by a Medical Review Officer (MRO). You can use our MRO and lab or keep yours and we simply collect. Just provide us with a Custody and Control Form or send us a stack to have on-hand for whenever you need us.


DOT & Non DOT Drug Testing

DOT & Non DOT Alcohol Testing

Consortium Management

Learn More

On-site Drug and Alcohol Testing (DOT and NON-DOT)


Stop paying your employees to travel to a hospital, clinic or other testing site, spend valuable time sitting in a waiting room and now more than ever be exposed to illnesses and viruses. If you’re sending an employee off-site alone who’s to say that they don’t stop along the way in order to cheat the test. Regulations state that the employee must report immediately to the test site upon notification. If they don’t you risk non-compliance.  Sending a  supervisor or an employee representative as an escort means you’re paying or losing productivity from two employees. An accident on the way to a collection site on company time means you’re liable.

All of this can be avoided by just giving us a call and we come to you.